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Tarot Readings
Thanks for being here! Book a personal reading with me.

Birth chart Reading
Mini Message
3 Tarot Cards / $12.12
energy check & advice /
5 minutes​
I'll start with 3 cards and use the rest of the tarot deck to inform your reading. ​​​
Relationship Reading

Inner Child Message
1 Oracle Card + 6 Tarot Cards / $33.33
bring out & comfort little you /
10 minutes​
I'll start with 7 cards and use the rest of the tarot deck to inform your reading.
yearly Transit Reading

20-Minute Message
3 Oracle Cards +
9 Tarot Cards / $44.44
dive into current & surrounding energies / 20 minutes​​​
I'll start with 12 cards and use the rest of the tarot deck to inform your reading.
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